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Filing of partnership tax returns for cross-border users
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Filing of partnership tax returns for cross-border users
Latest update: 05/03/2024
Cross-border users can file their tax returns for income generated in Italy via the Italian Revenue Agency service available under the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).How to use the service
To access the service, you need to have an eIDAS identity and an Italian tax number.
You don’t have an Italian tax identification number? Find out how to apply for one.
Once authenticated, enter your
• gender (male/female)
• country of birth
• tax number
• tax/health card identification number, or tax number allocation certificate identification number, which can be obtained from any Revenue Agency office.
Once the data you entered has been successfully verified, select the option of using the service on behalf of a company, entity or association, as the legal representative of the entity. The legal representative must then also enter the tax number of the entity for which the tax return is being filed.
Find out how to apply for an Italian tax number for persons other than natural persons.
If you are the legal representative of the entity, you can upload and submit a pre-prepared tax return file using RedditiOnLine SP filing software.
The software is only available in Italian. Before using it, read the installation instructions.
After submitting the tax return, you will receive a confirmation message. If there are errors, you will be notified that the tax return has been rejected.
Link correlati
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle società di persone – Redditi SP – versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle società di capitali - Redditi SC - versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi degli enti non commerciali - Redditi ENC - versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle persone fisiche – versione in italiano