Menu della sezione Individuals
Espandi menu contestuale
- Tax identification number for foreign citizens
- Health card
- Personal Income Tax - Irpef
- Personal income tax return
- Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy
- Tax regime for new residents
- Declaration of Estate
- Who must submit the declaration of estate
- How to submit the declaration
- How to pay taxes
- Relevant legislation
- Double taxation relief
- Advance tax ruling
- Info Brexit
Declaration of Estate - What it is
Latest update: 12/12/2020
The heirs, those with title to inheritance and the legatees must submit the declaration of estate within 12 months of the date of opening of the succession, which generally coincides with the taxpayer’s date of death. The taxpayer can submit the declaration directly
- via online services
- through an authorised intermediary or
- at the relevant Revenue Agency office.