Menu della sezione Personal income tax return
When and how to submit a Redditi PF form
Latest update: 06/08/2024
Taxpayers must submit the tax return by 31 October of the year following the tax year. The form must be submitted exclusively online, directly or through an authorised intermediary.
The Revenue Agency provides taxpayers with the forms and instructions for completing the tax return: Redditi PF 2024 - Form and instructions (IT).
The return may also be filed online using RedditiOnLine PF software. This can be used to complete the form, create a file that is sent online through the Revenue Agency online services and generate an F24 payment form.
Find out more under the Personal income tax - Irpef.
Tax return filing for cross-border users
Cross-border users with an eIDAS identity who have to submit a tax return for income generated in Italy can use the Revenue Agency’s service available under the Single Digital Gateway (SDG). In order to access the service, you must have an Italian tax number.
Link correlati
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle società di persone – Redditi SP – versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle società di capitali - Redditi SC - versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi degli enti non commerciali - Redditi ENC - versione in italiano
- Dichiarazione dei redditi delle persone fisiche – versione in italiano