Request for a duplicate of health card

On line - Revenue Agency website

Citizens who are entitled to health care and are regularly enrolled in the National Health Service (SSN) can apply for a duplicate of their Health Insurance Card online at the Agenzia delle Entrate website.

The duplicate can be requested:

  • if you have a Health Insurance Card without a microchip (TS), through the free-access service or the service in the reserved area.

To make a request through the Open Access Service, you must provide your tax code or, alternatively, your full personal data and the reason for application. For security reasons and to prevent the service from being used for fraudulent purposes, certain data relating to your tax return will also be requested.

The web page “Richiesta del duplicato”, using either the tax code or personal data.


  • if you have a health card with microchip (TS/CNS), exclusively through the reserved area of the Revenue Agency’s telematics services (Fisconline/Entratel) by logging in with SPID (Sistema Pubblico d'Identità Digitale- The Public Digital Identy System), CIE (Carta d'Identità Elettronica- Electronic Identity Card) or CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi- National Service Card) credentials.


By email or Pec

The applicant may submit the duly completed and signed form (modello AA4/8), accompanied by valid identification, by Pec (posta elettronica certificata) or e-mail (find here pec and email addresses) to any office of the Revenue Agency. The form can also be digitally signed.

Otherwise, it is possible to book an appointment.

Please visit the guide on the Tax Agency's website “I servizi agili dell’Agenzia delle entrate” to know which are the services the Agency provides by Pec, email or telephone.

Web service on “Sistema tessera sanitaria” platform


The Health Card System service allows you to download and print your health card in PDF format. The service is available for cards that expire in 2020 or subsequent years. The service is only available if you log in to the private citizen area and use the credentials SPID and or TS-CNS.

The web page “Tessera Sanitaria”


The pages for the service “Print Tessera Sanitaria”



For further information needed please visit: “Sistema tessera sanitaria”.